Via Global Mailers

Mailers are notifications sent to the email inbox of the recipient

Mailers, or messages sent from to an email inbox, are powerful ways to deliver important information to admins, travelers, and recommenders. There are 7 different types of Via Global mailers:

  1. Account
  2. Program interest & advising
  3. Message
  4. Event
  5. Application
  6. Recommendation
  7. Form

Account mailers

Account mailers are any account-related mailers and are sent to both Admins & Travelers. 

Program interest & advising mailers

Program interest & advising mailers are any mailers related to program interest and advising and are only sent to Admins. 

Message mailers

Message mailers are any message-related mailers and are sent to both Admins & Travelers. 

Event mailers

Event mailers are any event-related mailers and are only sent to Travelers. 

Application mailers

Application mailers are  any application-related mailers and are sent to both Admins & Travelers. 

Recommendation mailers

Recommendation mailers are recommendation-related mailers and are sent to those chosen as recommenders and Travelers.  

Form mailers

Form mailers are form-related mailers and are sent to both Admins & Travelers.