What Application Mailers are sent to Administrators?

Application mailers are any application-related mailers and are sent to both Admins & Travelers. There are 5 sent specifically to Administrators. Click here to view application mailers sent to Travelers.

  1. Internal program application started – Program Contacts
  2. Authorized program application started – Home campus Default Message Recipient/s and Provider Program Contact
  3. Application status change notification – Program Contacts (Internal) and Default Message Recipient/s (authorized)

Application Mailers sent to Admins

Internal program application started

Any time a Traveler starts an application to an internal program, the program contact receives an email informing them of the application’s creation and encouraging them to view it.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 4.55.26 AM

Authorized program application started

Any time a Traveler starts an application to an authorized program, the home campus’ default message recipients receive an email informing them of the application’s creation and encouraging them to view the application. If there are no default message recipients, all Super Users receive the email. 

Application status change notification

Any time a Traveler’s application changes to any status, the program contact (internal) and default message recipients (authorized) receive an email informing them of the application status change and prompting them to view it. This mailer is sent even if the Admin themself changes the status.