What is a dashboard?

A dashboard in Via is home to a particular data set. Dashboards are a powerful resource that utilize several tools to help Admins gain efficiencies and work smarter.

  • Filters - Filters are a way to narrow down your data set based on parameters you choose.
  • Saved Filters - Admins can save filters and share them with their team
  • Clear Filters - Admins can return to their complete data set with the click of a button
  • Columns - Admins can select which columns they want to appear in their table
  • Download CSV - Admins can download a CSV of exactly what they're seeing in the on-screen table view
  • Search - Admins can search for a particular row in their table by typing in keywords
  • Batch Functionality - Admins can check the box next to each row and take action on items one at a time or in batch
  • Views - Most dashboards have one or more views to enable Admins to see the data set in different ways

Following are the dashboards (data sets) currently available in Via:

  1. Home Dashboard
  2. Traveler Dashboard
  3. Event Dashboard
  4. Program Dashboard
  5. Application Dashboard
  6. Form Dashboard
  7. Via Travel**
  8. Builder 
  9. Reports


**Via Travel is our Risk Management solution that enables admins to stay informed on global threats 24/7, while also allowing them to contact on-site travelers for safety check-ins to confirm their well-being while abroad. Partners who have not purchased Via Travel will not see it in their main navigation menu. If you would like to learn more about Via Travel, please reach out to support@via-trm.com.