What is the Form Dashboard?

The Form Dashboard is where Admins can view Traveler forms. Admins can use this handy tool to search, sort, filter, take action on and generate standard and custom CSV reports of forms. Admins can also click + Create Template to create new form templates. Click here to understand more about dashboards in general.

To access the Form Dashboard…

  1. Click Forms in the main navigation menu
  2. Click Form Dashboard in the dropdown

Within the Form Dashboard, there are 3 views:

  1. Traveler Forms
  2. Form Completion
  3. Form Content

Traveler Forms

This view displays a table of all Traveler forms, one row per form. Data visible in this tab includes form and program data, as well as Traveler info fields. From this view, Admins can take the following batch actions:

  • Send Message
  • Standard Reports
  • Update Form Status
  • Add Form Tags 
  • Remove Form Tags

Other than Profile First Name, Profile Last Name and Profile Full Name, data visible in this dashboard derives from Traveler forms. As such, Admins may see “Not Provided” given that field was not filled out on the form or “Not Requested” given that field was not present on the form.

  • “Not Requested” – displayed if a field is not present on the form (template) created by an Admin
    • example: Traveler Matthew doesn’t see the passport number field on his form, so Admins see “Not Requested” for that field, if added as a column to the table view

Note: If an Admin ADDS a Traveler Info field AFTER a Traveler has started a form, those newly added fields will still appear as Not Requested on the Form Dashboard - since technically those fields were Not Requested for that Traveler when that Traveler started that Form. Given the Traveler goes back and fills out those fields, the Traveler's answers will appear as expected on the Form Dashboard.

  • “Not Provided” – displayed if a Traveler has not added a response to the field on their application
    • example: Traveler Matthew didn’t input his major GPA onto his application yet, so Admins see “Not Provided” for that field, if added as a column to the table view

Via favorite filters to use in this view:

Pro Tip! When using the search bar, Via will search for columns that are currently in view. So if first name is not visible in the table, Via will not search that field.


The following columns are available to add or remove from view (*indicates the ability to filter):

  • Profile Name
  • Email
  • Form Template*
  • Form Deadline*
  • Form Status*
  • Form Status Last Updated On
  • Form Submitted On*
  • Form Created On*
  • Program Name*
  • Locations*
  • Internal / Authorized*
  • Program Notes
  • Term Name*
  • Term Start Date*
  • Term End Date*
  • Term Tags*
  • Term Timing*
  • Tracking Step*
  • Application Status*
  • Secondary Email
  • Student ID
  • Preferred First Name
  • Preferred Last Name
  • Pronouns
  • Sex
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone
  • Mobile / On-site Phone
  • Year in School*
  • Primary Major*
  • Secondary Major*
  • Primary Minor*
  • Secondary Minor*
  • Third Minor*
  • College or Faculty*
  • Countries of Citizenship*
  • Advisor*
  • Cumulative GPA*
  • Major GPA*
  • Anticipated Graduation Year*
  • Honors Status*
  • Judicial Status
  • Hours Earned*
  • Traveler Type*
  • Residency Status*
  • Home Campus*
  • Passport Number
  • Passport Status*
  • Passport Issuing Agency
  • Passport Expiration Date
  • Place of Birth
  • Visa Status
  • Race*
  • Ethnicity*
  • Disability
  • Veteran Status
  • Current Address
  • Permanent Address
  • Emergency Contact First Name
  • Emergency Contact Last Name
  • Emergency Contact Relationship
  • Emergency Contact Email
  • Emergency Contact Phone
  • Emergency Contact Address
  • Secondary Emergency Contact First Name
  • Secondary Emergency Contact Last Name
  • Secondary Emergency Contact Relationship
  • Secondary Emergency Contact Email
  • Secondary Emergency Contact Phone
  • Secondary Emergency Contact Address
  • Pay for Program
  • Receives Financial Aid?*
  • Heard About Program

Form Completion

This view displays a table of all Travelers with forms, one row per Traveler, program & term. Data visible in this view includes form and program data, as well as the number and name of form templates in each form status by Traveler. From this view, Admins can take the following batch actions:

  • Send messages to one or more Travelers at a time
  • Add General Forms
  • Update Application Status
  • Add Form Tags 
  • Remove Form Tags

Via favorite filters to use in this view:

The following columns are available to add or remove from view (*indicates the ability to filter):

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Program Name*
  • Term Name*
  • Term Start Date*
  • Term End Date*
  • Term Tags*
  • Term Timing*
  • Tracking Step*
  • Application Status*
  • # Forms*
  • # Accepted*
  • Accepted Forms
  • # Submitted*
  • Submitted Forms
  • # Started*
  • Started Forms
  • # Not Started*
  • Not Started Forms
  • Program Notes

Form Content

After first selecting a general form (template) to view, this tab displays a table view of all Travelers with that particular form, one row per Traveler form. Data visible in this tab includes form and program information, as well as any Traveler info fields or custom questions on the selected General Form (template).

NOTE: A General Form (template) must be selected in order to display data in this view.

Via favorite filters to use in this view:

From this view, Admins can take the following batch actions:

  • Send messages to one or more Travelers at a time
  • Update General Form Status
  • Add Form Tags 
  • Remove Form Tags


The following filters are available:

  • General Form (template)
  • Question Completed
  • Programme Name
  • Term Name
  • Start Date Range
  • End Date Range
  • Tracking Step
  • Program Country
  • Program City