How do I create Term Names?

The Term Names tab in settings allows admins to create, edit, archive & restore Term Names. A Term Name is a label that can be added to any internal or authorized program term for Admins, Travelers and Visitors to view. Once added to a future term, Admins, Travelers and Visitors can view term name on the program brochure and can filter for it on the program dashboard. If a Traveler starts an application to a program & term with a Term Name, that Term Name becomes associated with the Traveler’s application and forms.

For Admins, the purpose of a Term Name is to organize and categorize program terms so that data visualization, searching, filtering, and reporting is easy and streamlined. For Travelers and Visitors, term names provide timing clarity as they explore programs. Term Names could include any of the following information:

  • season – like fall, winter, spring, summer
  • timing – like semester, academic year, j-term, maymester, spring break, etc
  • month – like January, May, etc
  • specific year – like 2022, 2023, 2022/2023
  • combination of any of the above!

Via recommends designing a naming convention and using it consistently for all of your Term Names.


To create a Term Name…

  1. Click the photo icon in the upper right corner in the main navigation menu 
  2. Click Settings 
  3. Click the Term Names tab
  4. Click + Add Name
  5. Type in a name
  6. Click Save

There is no limit to how many Term Names can be created. Once created, Term Names are...

  • available to be edited
  • available to be added to any internal program term
  • available to be added to a suitcase and then assigned to any authorized program term
  • once added to any internal or authorized term, visible, searchable, filterable & reportable from the following locations:
    • Program dashboard
    • Application dashboard
    • Form dashboard
    • Report dashboard

To edit a Term Name…

  1. Click the photo icon in the upper right corner in the main navigation menu 
  2. Click Settings 
  3. Click the Term Names tab
  4. Click the pencil icon next to the desired term name
  5. Update the name
  6. Click Save

Term Names must be unique; no 2 Term Names can be the same.

Admins can, at any time, archive a Term Name. If a term name is archived, it will still be available for Admins to add to terms as well as be able to view, search, filter, and report on in any of the above dashboards. If a future term, internal or authorized, is associated with an archived term name, Travelers will still be able to see it on program brochures and filter for it in their view of the program dashboard.

To archive a Term Name…

  1. Click the photo icon in the upper right corner in the main navigation menu 
  2. Click Settings 
  3. Click the Term Names tab
  4. Click the archive icon next to the desired term name

Archived term names can be restored at any time.

To restore a Term Name…

  1. Click the photo icon in the upper right corner in the main navigation menu 
  2. Click Settings 
  3. Click the Term Names tab
  4. Click the unarchive icon next to the desired term name