How do I add custom questions to an Application (template)?

Admins with permission can customize Applications (templates) by adding different question types. Adding the desired question types allows admins to collect important information needed to make an acceptance decision.

To learn more about creating Application (templates), click here.

To learn more about editing Published and Unpublished application (templates), click here.


The question types available in Via are:

  • Short Text
  • Long Text
  • Multiple Choice
  • Single Choice (Yes/No)
  • Dropdown 
  • Date Picker
  • Signature
  • Recommendation
  • Video
  • File Upload
  • File Download
  • Rating
  • Fee / Payment


To add a question to an Application…

  1. Click Builder in the main navigation
  2. Click Applications
  3. Click the desired Application
  4. Click the desired question type on the left to open the Add Panel on the right
  5. Type in the label, instructions, designate it required/not required and any other info relevant to the question
  6. Click Add to Form
  7. The Question will appear below the last header, paragraph or question on the Application
  8. To move the Question, click it. When it turns green, drag and drop it where desired
  9. To edit the Question, click it. Edit the text on the left edit panel and click Save
  10. To delete the Question, click it. Click the Trash Can Icon. Type DELETE. Click Delete
  11. Click Back to All Forms to return to the list of all forms

Admins can also add Traveler Info fields and Public Custom fields to Applications. To learn more about how to add Traveler Info fields, click here.

For recommendation question types, admins also have the option of using tokens to include specific traveler, program, and application data as part of instructions sent to the recommender. Tokens are find and replace logic where Via will find and replace data that pertains to the individual traveler.


For example, when using the token option for Application Deadline, Via will find the relevant program's application deadline and replace it with the Traveler's application deadline. This will allow recommenders to see the traveler's actual application deadline when receiving the request. To see the Via's Recommendation Journey, click here.






Q: I looked through the list of custom questions, but in my view, I can’t see the following: CashNet, CashNet with code, Flywire, Payflow or Touchnet… why?

A: These questions require a custom data integration with an organization’s payment system; if you’re interested in learning more, send us an email at to get the particulars!