What is a Program Brochure?

A Program Brochure is a well-designed approach to sharing program content with Travelers. Program Brochures are created by Admins with all program and term-related information for travelers to view. There are two different kinds of programs in Via Global:

  1. Internal
  2. Authorized

The difference between an internal program and an authorized program is where a Program Brochure was created. An internal program is created within an Admins 'own' account. An authorized program is created in a different account, and then 'authorized in' to an Admin's account. (Click here for more information on how to authorize provider or affiliate programs into your account.)

For Admins, all programs are shown in the Admin view of the Program Dashboard and accessed by clicking Programs in the main navigation menu.

There are several components that make up a program. For an Admin creating a program, the components are separated in two sections:

  1. Program content
  2. Program Settings

Program content

When an Admin first creates a program, they are directed to fill out the program content of the brochure. Some fields are required to publish the brochure, while others are not. If an Admin does not fill out a non-required field, it will not be displayed on the brochure. Program content includes the following fields (* indicates required fields designed for ideal program matching with Via's proprietary Program Matching engine that matches travelers to best-fit programs):


A field that allows Admins to upload one photo per program brochure. We recommend selecting an image that will have a positive impact on your Travelers!

Program name*

An open text field where Admins can name the program. Program name is the only field required to save and publish a program.

Program intro

Commonly referred to as the “elevator pitch field,” the program intro is an open text field where admins can add 1-3 sentences to spark interest in the program. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Program description

An open text field where Admins can add additional context describing the program. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.


A testimonial is comprised of 3 different fields:

  1. Quote
  2. Traveler name
  3. Traveler details (school, graduation year, etc)

Via allows administrators to add up to 3 testimonial quotes. When adding a testimonial to a program, feel free to leave off the beginning quotation mark, we automatically add it for you! If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors.


Admins can choose to display the map, powered by Google Maps, on a program brochure. The map displays a pin on the designated location; only one location can be displayed in the map at a time. If no location is designated, we recommend not displaying the map on the brochure.

Program type(s)*

The program type field allows Admins to choose one or more options. There are 14 program types are available to add to a program brochure:

  1. Exchange
  2. Faculty/teacher led
  3. Fellowship
  4. Group travel
  5. Internship
  6. Research
  7. Scholarship
  8. Service learning
  9. Study abroad
  10. Teaching English
  11. Virtual
  12. Volunteer
  13. Working
  14. Other

Immersion program?*

A checkbox field allows admins to check the box if a program is considered an immersion program. When a program brochure is created, Via defaults to the checkbox being unchecked.

Instructional language/s*

The instructional language field allows Admins to choose one or more options. 


The location field allows Admins to choose one or more countries and cities. The country field is a dropdown menu of all countries while the city field is an open text field where admins can type the desired city. If the program is a multi-city program, we recommend selecting the same country from the dropdown to accommodate each city. Admins can also opt to NOT display a specific location by turning No designated Location to On.

Language and location information

An open text field where Admins can add additional language and location information if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Housing type/s*

The housing type field allows Admins to choose one or more options. At a minimum, one housing type must be selected. There are 9 housing types are available to add to a program brochure:

  1. Host family
  2. Hostel
  3. Hotel
  4. International student house
  5. Private apartment
  6. Residence hall
  7. Shared apartment
  8. Ship
  9. Other

Housing information

An open text field where Admins can add additional housing information, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Subject area/s*

The subject area field allows Admins to choose one or more options. A subject area is a traveler’s intended area(s) of academic study when abroad (not necessarily their major/minor). 


An open text field where Admins can list out and/or expand on courses, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for travelers, admins, or visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Academics information

An open text field where Admins can add additional academics information, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Host organization name

An open text field where Admins can, if the program was created for a bilateral exchange, add the host organization’s name if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for travelers, admins, or visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Host organization description

An open text field where Admins can add a description of the host organization, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.


An open text field where Admins can list out and/or expand on activities, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text. Some examples of activities:

  • community dinner
  • available student groups


An open text field where Admins can list out and/or expand on excursions, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text. Some examples of excursions:

  • day trip to Shakespeare’s birthplace
  • walking tour of the host city


An open text field where Admins can list out and/or expand on add-ons, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text. Some examples of add-ons:

  • spending a day with a local paper for a journalism student
  • volunteer opportunities with a local non-profit

Activities information

An open text field where Admins can add additional activities information, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Downloadable documents

A field where Admins can upload documents for travelers to download from their logged-in view of the program brochure. If no documents are uploaded to a program, the field will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Some examples of downloadable documents:

  • program budget
  • detailed program schedule
  • course guide

Please note that downloadable documents are not visible in the Visitor (non-logged-in) view of program brochures. For security purposes and to ensure access is limited to credible users, documents can only be viewed or downloaded by Travelers or Administrators who have logged into Via.

What’s included?

A collection of items where Admins can choose to indicate as included, not included, or completely remove them from the brochure. When a program is created, all 'what’s included' items appear as included. It is highly recommended that admins review this list and update what is included as desired. If an admin wishes to display an item as not included, they can click the item name to display it with a strikethrough. If an admin wishes to remove an item from the brochure, they can click the trash can icon to remove it entirely.

Eligibility requirements

An open text field where Admins can add eligibility requirements, if desired. If content is added to this field, travelers will see eligibility requirements on the program brochure itself and on the screen displayed to travelers prior to them officially starting an application. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Eligibility requirements appear to Travelers on the Program Brochure AND on the 'Eligibility Modal.' The Eligibility Modal is the first thing Travelers see when they click Apply Now to start an application. 

Via recommends adding any information to the Eligibility section that is important for Travelers to read immediately prior to starting an application.

Scholarship and financial aid opportunities

An open text field where Admins can add scholarship and financial aid opportunities, if desired. If no content is added to this field, it will not be displayed on a program brochure for Travelers, Admins, or Visitors. Formatting options of numbered lists, bulleted lists, and hyperlinks are available upon highlighting desired text.

Organization description

A field that displays the organization’s description from the account where the program was created. For example, if the program was created within an organization’s Via Global account, the program brochure will display the internal organization’s description. If the program was created outside and authorized into an organization’s Via Global account, the program brochure will display the authorized organization’s description. Organization description can be edited in Organization Settings by an admin with permission.



Q: Can my institution customize the options in fields like program type, housing type, etc?

A: Because fields like these factor into Via‘s propriety Program Matching algorithm, these options cannot be customized