Term Settings
Term settings is where Admins create terms, add deadline and other term information like cost and credits, and associate applications and forms for Travelers to fill out. After an Admin fills out the program content they can then fill out the program settings section of the brochure.
Within program settings, there are no fields required to publish the brochure, however, there are several fields required to allow Travelers to successfully start applications. (Remember, programs must be in the Published state in order to be visible to Travelers and Visitors) In addition, term start date and end date are factored into Via‘s proprietary Program Matching algorithm and used to determine Tracking Step for Committed applications.
Program settings includes the following fields (*indicates a field required to allow travelers to successfully start applications and **indicates a field that is never visible to travelers):
- Term name
- Start date*
- End date*
- Show exact dates
- Term Tag(s)**
- Application Template*
- Application deadline date & time*
- Decision release timeline
- Ask travelers for alternates?
- Form Template(s)
- Form deadline date(s)
- Minimum credits
- Maximum credits
- Currency code
- Minimum cost
- Maximum cost
- Cost information
- Publish status
- Archive the program**
Direct Program Visitor link
A link that Admins can share with non-account users to view the program brochure. This link can be shared with anyone, prospective students, parents, faculty, staff, etc.
Duplicate as a new draft
Clicking this link makes a draft copy of the program.
Edit program content
Clicking this link returns admins to edit program content.
Term name
A dropdown field that allows Admins to add a term name to a term for Travelers to view, search, and filter programs. Only one term name can be selected per term. Term names are created in settings by Admins with permission.
Start date*
A date field that allows Admins to choose a start date of a term. In order for Travelers to successfully start an application to a program term, a future start date as well as a future end date must be selected (and an application template must be attached). The start date can be edited after it’s been saved, however, we recommend editing with caution as changing dates can have negative implications on historic data.
End date*
A date field that allows Admins to choose an end date of a term. In order for Travelers to successfully start an application to a program term, a future end date as well as a future start date must be selected (and an application template must be attached). The end date can be edited after it’s been saved, however, we recommend editing with caution as changing dates can have negative implications on historic data.
Show exact dates
The slider that allows Admins to display exact dates of a term. If show exact dates slider is on for a term:
- Travelers will see the term in the following format: August 20, 2022 - December 16, 2022
- Via will use the exact start and end dates of a term to move Travelers with Committed application status from the Pre-Departure tracking step to the On-site tracking step to the Alumni tracking step
- example – if a term is August 20, 2023 – December 16, 2023 and show exact dates is turned on, the traveler will move to the On-Site tracking step on August 20, 2023, and will move to the Alumni tracking step on December 17, 2023
If show exact dates slider is off for a term:
- Travelers will see the term in the following format: August 2023 - December 2023
- Via will use the first day of the start date month to move travelers from the Pre-Departure tracking step to the On-site tracking step (rather than the exact start date)
- Via will use the next date after the last day of the end month to move travelers from the On-site tracking step to the Alumni tracking step (rather than the exact end date)
- example – if a term is August 20, 2023 – December 16, 2023 and show exact dates is turned OFF, the Traveler will move to the On-site tracking step on August 1, 2023, and will move to the Alumni tracking step on January 1, 2023
Via recommends having show exact dates slider on, when the exact dates are confirmed, as that will ensure the most accurate tracking for risk management purposes.
In instances such as with bilateral exchanges where program dates are not released until soon before the program actually starts, our recommendation is to estimate the dates and have show exact dates turned off; then, as soon as the concrete program dates are released, head back to program settings to update the dates and turn show exact dates on.
Term Tag/s
The multi-select field that allows Admins to choose one or more tags relevant to a term. There is no limit on the amount of tags that can be added per term. Tags are only visible to Admins and are used to filter for programs and/ to curate a basket of options to use for program alternates. Term Tags are created in settings by Admins with permission.
Application template
A single-select dropdown field that allows Admins to associate one published application template with a program term. Only one application template can be selected per term.
Once an application template is associated with a term, it cannot be removed or replaced with another application template.
Application deadline date & time
A combination of a date field and a time picker that allows Admins to select when an application is due. Application deadline dates & times prevent Travelers from starting new applications or submitting previously created applications.
Decision release timeline
A combination of a date field and a time picker that allows Admins to select when Travelers are notified when their application status is changed to a protected status. Once a decision release timeline date & time passes, decisions are released - application status notifications are sent and Travelers see the 'new' status of their application. Click here for more info on Decision Release Timeline.
Ask Travelers for alternates?
Alternates must be turned on for the account in settings in order for Admins to set up program alternates in program settings. In program settings, there is a slider that Admins can enable to ask Travelers for alternates for that program term. If the slider is turned on, Admins can then choose to offer either the entire program portfolio of future terms, or, a specific subset of programs and terms for Travelers to choose from. Alternates allow Travelers to:
- Indicate interest in other programs
- Specify the order of their interest
- Provide Admins with other program options in case their desired program/term is at full capacity, is very competitive, gets cancelled, and/or they don’t meet the program’s eligibility requirements
Alternates allow Admins to:
- Collect more user-generated data from Travelers
- Identify alternate preference trends
- Be able to, upon reviewing the original application, place Travelers in other programs based on capacity and/or eligibility
Form template/s
A multi-select field that allows Admins to associate one or more published form templates with a specific form deadline. There is no limit to the amount of form templates that can be associated with a program term. An Admin can select the desired form template/s and choose a deadline, then, if there are other form templates that would require a different deadline, the Admin can simply add that group separately.
A form template can be deleted from a term at any time, however, by deleting a form template, all copies of the form will be removed from all historic and current Travelers’ profiles, and, all associated form data on started, submitted, and accepted forms will be deleted and not recoverable for that term. We recommend removing form templates from program terms with caution.
Form deadline(s)
A date field that allows Admins to select the date a form is due. Form deadlines do not prevent travelers from editing or submitting their forms.
Minimum credits
An open text field where Admins can add the minimum amount of credits, if desired. If no content is added to this field, ‘please inquire’ will be displayed for that field on the program brochure for Travelers, Admins, and Visitors.
Maximum credits
An open text field where Admins can add the maximum amount of credits if desired. If no content is added to this field, ‘please inquire’ will be displayed for that field on the program brochure for Travelers, Admins, and Visitors.
Currency code
A dropdown field where Admins can select the currency code relevant to the program cost, if desired. If Admins don’t intend to add a minimum or maximum cost, it’s recommended that currency code not be selected.
Minimum cost
An open text field where Admins can add the minimum amount cost, if desired. If no content is added to this field, ‘please inquire’ will be displayed for that field on the program brochure for Travelers, Admins, and Visitors.
Maximum cost
An open text field where Admins can add the maximum cost, if desired. If no content is added to this field, ‘please inquire’ will be displayed for that field on the program brochure for Travelers, Admins, and Visitors.
Cost information
An open text field where Admins can add additional cost information, if desired. If no content is added to this field, ‘There are no additional cost notes' will be displayed for that field on the program brochure for Travelers, Admins, and Visitors.
Archive the program
The action that allows Admins to archive the program brochure. Once a program is archived, it cannot be unarchived or published ever again – archive with caution.
Q: A program brochure I had previously created with a then-future term is going to run again in the future around the same dates, can I just update the start/end dates and deadlines to reflect the upcoming term?
A: No! Because term dates and deadlines are associated with traveler data, we recommend creating new terms rather than editing past terms; editing past terms can have negative implications on historic data
Q: I created a term by mistake, can I delete it?
A: Yes you can! Click the trash can icon next to the desired term in program settings. Once you click the trash can, Via will identify if there are any Traveler applications or forms associated with that term. If there are no Traveler applications or forms associated with the term, Via will allow the admin to delete it thereby removing it from program settings without a historic record of its existence. If there are Traveler applications associated with the program term, you can delete those Traveler applications to 'free up the term' to delete. Keep in mind that data for delete Traveler applications is irretrievable.
Q: I'm trying to delete my term, but I can only 'cancel' the term - why?
A: If there are any Traveler applications or forms students have started for the term, Via will not allow the Admin to delete the term. Rather, Admins can cancel the term so that no other students apply. If you want this term to be removed from the program brochure completely, CHANGE THE START DATE of the program to the PAST before cancelling the program term. Cancelled terms remain in program settings and on the program brochure until the start date of the term has passed. No Travelers can start an application to a term once it’s been cancelled; Traveler applications or forms previously started for the cancelled term will not be negatively impacted.
Q: Can I publish a program without creating a future term?
A: Yes, a program can be published without any future terms being created; keep in mind though, if there are no future terms on a published program, the only actions a Traveler will be able to take are to click Have a Question or Learn More.
Q: Can I publish a program without attaching any form templates to the future term I created?
A: Yes, a program can be published without associating any form templates to a future term; keep in mind though, if a future term does not have any form templates associated, when a Traveler’s application is updated to a form-releasing status (Committed, Approved, Conditionally Approved, Nominated), they will not receive forms to fill out