Via Licenses and add-on services


A license is a legal contract between the creator of the software (Via TRM) and the end user (organization, institution, etc). Via TRM offers 2 licenses for purchase:

  1. Via Global – study abroad software
  2. Via Travel – solo & group travel software

Account Levels

An account level is a distinction of offerings within a license. There is 1 account level available within the Via Travel license, whereas there are 3 account levels within the Via Global license. Via Global’s 3 account levels are:

  1. Enrollment
  2. Advising
  3. Freemium


This paid account level is your one-stop shop for engaging with students at their moment of interest and guiding them through the application management and pre-departure processes:

  • Capture student info – demographic, geographic, behavioral, and psychographic
  • Help students get matched to best-fit programs
  • Create customized programs, applications, and forms
  • Robust reporting
  • Track and engage with students “on-site” anywhere in the world
  • Manage and track alumni


This paid account level enables administrative users to capture the interest of students and proactively engage them in the education abroad journey before the application process begins:

  • Capture student info – demographic, geographic, behavioral, and psychographic
  • Help students get matched with best-fit programs


This free account level enables Third-party Program Providers to input their programs into our database. University partners can authorize any available program into their respective portfolios to share with students:

  • Students can filter and browse your programs from their home campus Via Global account
  • Students get matched to their best-fit programs, including any authorized Third-party Provider programs
  • All program brochures contain a link to your website
  • Providers receive notifications of student interest (NOTE: freemium Clients do not receive any student contact info unless they purchase Via Connects)

Client note – any Client who wishes to upgrade or discontinue their license(s) can contact for next steps. 


A service is an additional item for purchase with a license. Via TRM offers a variety of services:

  • Annual Professional Services
    • Annual Professional Service Package
    • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Standard Single sign-on (SSO) implementation
  • Standard One-Way Data Integration
  • Annual Custom Report
  • User Boost
  • Via Connects

Client note – any Client interested in upgrading their license(s) with any of the above services can contact for next steps. 

Annual Professional Service Package

The annual professional service package includes an agreed upon set of hours for the following:

  • Product Training
  • Consultation
  • Documentation
  • Special Projects Management
  • Support from a Via TRM Client Success Manager

This package could be purchased for those who need to dust the cobwebs off with a Via refresher, those interested in upskilling to maximize efficiency of their license(s), those office newcomers to ensure a warm welcome and simple transition, faculty or staff involved in any kind of travel management, a combination of these options, or all of the above!

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

The platform as a service (Paas) includes web hosting for an agreed upon number of users for the following:

  • Server Maintenance & Monitoring
  • Security Upgrades
  • IT Support

Standard Single sign-on (SSO) Implementation

The standard Single sign-on (SSO) implementation (SAML 2.0) includes an agreed upon set of hours for the following:

  • Project Management
  • Access to Staging Server & Test Environment
  • Quality Assurance Testing
  • Custom Implementation Documentation

Standard One-Way Data Integration

The standard one-way data integration implementation includes a choice between a file transfer or API integration method for an agreed upon set of hours for the following: 

  • Access to Staging Server & Test Environment
  • Project Management
  • Quality Assurance Testing
  • Custom Implementation Documentation

Annual Custom Report

The annual custom report includes over 20+ data visualization tables on your user data, engagement, applications, participation, and interests compiled into a PDF.

User Boost

A user boost allows current Via TRM licensed Clients to increase the amount of admin users in their account/s.