How do I edit Application Type Automations?

Admins with permission can edit our 6 pre-built application type Automations. Editing our pre-built Automations is a great way Admins can tailor Automations to better suit internal processes. 


Please note that when editing automations and / or creating new ones, admins will have the potential to create duplicative automations or overlook an important step in their workflow. 

Via recommends creating internal processes to ensure that all automations are carefully configured and reviewed to avoid duplicate actions.

For example, Via currently sends one mailer notification when an application status changes to Accepted. Admins have the ability to remove the Application Status of Accepted as a trigger on Application Automations.  If there are no other activated Automations that apply to Accepted application statuses, Via will not send mailer notifications to these Travelers.

As a result, internal coordination and processes from the onset of this feature launch are advised.


The list of pre-built Application Automations currently available to edit are...

  • Internal Application Started
  • Authorized Application Started
  • Application deadline
  • Internal Program Application Acceptance
  • Authorized Program Application Acceptance
  • Application status changes


To see a comprehensive list of Application Type Triggers and Conditions, click here.

To edit Application Type Triggers and Conditions... 

  1. Click Builder in the main navigation menu
  2. Select Automation in the drop-down menu
  3. Click the name of the automation you want to edit
  4. Edit the Trigger (Step 2), as desired
  5. Edit the condition/s (Step 3), as desired (optional)
  6. To edit the mailer an Application Automation sends, continue to the next section. If not, proceed to Step 7.
  7. Scroll to the top of the page and click Save



Note that editing a Via automated mailer has the potential to change the trigger, conditions and content of that automated email. For example, if an Admin edits the Application Acceptance mailer by changing the trigger from 'Application Status changes to Accepted' to 'Application Status changes to Approved,' the Via automated mailer will only be sent when an Application Status changes to Approved. This mailer will no longer send when the Application Status changes to Accepted.

To edit a mailer an Application Automation sends ...

  1. Click Builder in the main navigation menu
  2. Select Automation in the drop-down menu
  3. Click the name of the automation you want to edit
  4. Edit the Trigger (Step 2), as desired
  5. Edit the condition/s (Step 3), as desired (optional)
  6. To edit the content of the mailer itself, click Edit/Preview next to the mailer (Step 4)
    1. Edit the subject using the tokens provided, if desired
    2. Edit the message using the tokens provided, if desired
    3. Edit the Button URL, if desired
    4. Edit the Button text
  7. Click Next
  8. Click Save
  9. To have these changes saved throughout Via, scroll to the top of the page and click Save

If an admin only wants to edit the content of the mailer itself, from the Automations page, click the pencil icon of the desired mailer next to Send Traveler Mailer in the Action column. Clicking the pencil will take you directly to edit the mailer.







Q: I love Via's Automations but I want to learn more about what is possible. Can you share some sample Automations with me? 

A: Absolutely! To read more about Via Automations and see some sample Automations, click here.


Q: Can I submit a request to consider adding additional Triggers and Conditions? 

A: Of course! To submit your request, please reach out to'd love to hear about what Triggers and Conditions you'd like to see added and how these would make your workday more efficient.