What are Automations?

Currently, there are upwards of 50 pre-built automated mailers in Via. These automations were built based on user research and subject matter expertise. The automations use various triggers, conditions, and actions so that repeat actions occur automatically to save admins time. An example of a pre-built automation is our application deadline reminder mailer. (When an application is in the Incomplete status and the application deadline is 1, 7, and 10 days in the future, Via automatically sends a mailer to applicants reminding them of the approaching deadline).

The good news is that if admins love and appreciate how Via has configured automations, there is no need to edit or customize anything!

Given that admins want to make changes or create new automations, that power is now available for application-based mailer notifications. Our goal is to educate admins on what is currently happening in Via, allow editing of current automations, and then continue to add more configuration and customization options over time. We plan to continue to release configuration and customization options to Admins over time to ensure we build with intention. 

Please note that when editing automations and/or creating new ones, admins will have the potential to create duplicative automations. 

Via recommends creating internal processes to ensure that all automations are carefully configured and reviewed to avoid duplicate actions.

For example, Via currently sends one mailer notification when an application status changes to Accepted. Admins now have the ability to create unlimited mailer notifications that are sent when an application status changes.

As a result, internal coordination and processes from the onset of this feature launch are advised.


Admins in Via can...

  1. Deactivate automations by making them Inactive
  2. Configure automations by editing current triggers and conditions
  3. Edit mailer content
  4. Create new Application based Automations from scratch using currently available conditions and triggers 
  5. Create new Form based Automations from scratch using currently available conditions and triggers 

Administrators can leverage a variety of triggers and conditions to customize their Automated workflows based on process-related needs. Below is a complete list of all triggers, conditions, and actions available for Automations. Keep in mind that what separates automation types are triggers and conditions available to that particular type. While automations may share some conditions, the available triggers will define the type of automation an admin is working with.


To review vocabulary related to automations, see our Automation Glossary.

Available Triggers

  • Application [is] started
  • Application Deadline [is] 1 to 30 Days in the future
  • Application Status [changes to] desired application status(es)
  • Form [is] added 
  • Form Deadline [is] 1 to 30 Days in the future or past
  • Form Status [is] desired form status(es)
  • Term End Date [is] 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 days in the future
  • Term Start Date [is] 1, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 days in the future

Available Conditions

  • Associated Application Status [is] desired application status(es)
  • Form Status [is] desired form status(es)
  • Program Origin [is] Internal and / or Authorized  
  • Application status [is] desired form status(es)
  • Program Country [is / is not]... 
  • Program Type [is / is not]... 
  • Program Name [contains/ does not contain]...
  • Term Name [contains/ does not contain]...

Available Action

  • Send Mailer 
  • Add General Form(s) 

Automations in Via follows a formula like this:

When Trigger A occurs and

Condition B is met

Then Via performs an action automatically


Examples of automations that admins can create to personalize communications...

Example 1:

When an application status changes to Accepted (Trigger)

And the program origin is internal (Condition)

Then send the Traveler a mailer communicating deadlines to commit (Action)

Example 2:

When an application status changes to Submitted (Trigger)

And the program origin is Authorized (Condition)

Then send the Traveler a mailer directing them to also apply with the provider (Action)


Examples of automations that admins can create to add forms...

Example 1:

When application status changes to Submitted(Trigger)

And program type is Exchange (Condition 1)

And program name contains Essex (Condition 2)

Then add University of Essex instruction form to traveler  (Action)

Example 2:

When application is created (Trigger)

And program country is Kenya (Condition)

Then send add Special Country permission form to traveler  (Action)

Example 3:

When application is created (Trigger)

And term name contains fall (Condition 1)

And program name contains penguin (Condition 2)

Then add Penguin Migration research form to traveler  (Action)