How do I report on Form data?

Form data can be generated from the following locations:

  1. Form Dashboard
  2. Report Dashboard

Form Dashboard

Admins can generate custom reports of form data from any of the following views:

  • Traveler Forms
  • Form Completion
  • Form Content

Within the Traveler Forms view, both custom & standard reports can be generated. Within both the Form Completion and the Form Content view, only custom reports can be generated.

  • Travelers Forms view will generate a report of one row per Traveler per form
  • Form Completion view will generate a report of one row per Traveler per program term
  • Form Content view will generate a report by selected form template of one row per Traveler. This report includes all content from the selected form, including Traveler responses 

Custom reports

Admins can generate custom reports by adding or removing columns, sorting, and applying desired filters. All data visible on the screen will be downloaded onto one CSV. 

To generate a custom report from the Forms Dashboard…

  1. Click Forms in the main navigation menu
  2. Click the desired view - either Traveler Forms, Form Completion or Form Content
  3. Search, sort, and/or filter for the desired content
  4. Hide or show desired columns by clicking the three vertical line icon in the top right corner of your table and selecting/de-selecting data
  5. Click the cloud icon with the downward arrow to download a CSV of all data visible on your screen

Report dashboard

From the forms view, Admins can generate custom reports of form data. Admins can create custom reports by altering what’s visible on their screen by adding or removing columns, sorting, and applying desired filters. All data visible on the screen will be downloaded onto one CSV. 

To generate a custom report from Reports > Forms…

  1. Click Reports in the main navigation menu
  2. Click the General Forms view
  3. Search, sort, and/or filter for the desired content
  4. Select your desired data rows
  5. Click Actions
  6. Select Standard Reports from the dropdown menu
  7. Select the desired report
  8. Rename the report, if desired
  9. Click Create Standard Report
  10. Click on View Downloads in the green pop-up in the lower right corner of Via
  11. Click the name of your Standard Report (or the download icon in the Actions Column)
  12. Open the downloaded zip file or CSV


Standard reports

The data generated on standard reports is pulled directly from Traveler Forms and cannot be customized. There are 2 standard reports that generate Form data:

  1. Form Status by Program Name and Term
  2. Form Content by Form Template

Depending on the report, data will be exported on either one CSV file or a zip file containing one or more CSV files. Keep in mind that only Travelers who have Forms will appear in the relevant CSV or zip file.

To generate a standard report from the Forms Dashboard…

  1. Click Forms in the main navigation menu
  2. In the Traveler Forms view, check the box to the left of the desired applications/s to select application/s to report on
  3. Click Actions
  4. Select Standard Reports from the dropdown menu
  5. Select the desired report
  6. Rename the report, if desired
  7. Click Create Standard Report
  8. Click on View Downloads in the green pop-up in the lower right corner of Via
  9. Click the name of your Standard Report (or the download icon in the Actions Column)
  10. Open the downloaded zip file or CSV

To generate a standard report from Reports > Forms…

  1. Click Reports in the main navigation menu
  2. Click General Forms
  3. Check the box to the left of the desired application/s to select application/s to report on
  4. Click Actions
  5. Select Standard Reports from the dropdown menu
  6. Select the desired report
  7. Rename the report, if desired
  8. Click Create Standard Report
  9. Click on View Downloads in the green pop-up in the lower right corner of Via
  10. Click the name of your Standard Report (or the download icon in the Actions Column)
  11. Open the downloaded zip file or CSV