How do I limit the number of Applications a Traveler can start?

As an Admin, you can Limit Travelers to start only one application per time frame. Time frame is calculated based on program dates.

Time frame frame refers to programs that have any overlapping dates. As an example, a program term from January 15, 2024 - May 17, 2024 and a program from May 1, 2024 - May 31, 2024 are in the same time frame.

Whereas, a program term from January 15, 2024 - May 17, 2024 and a program term from May 18, 2024 - May 31 are NOT in the same time frame.

Perhaps you want to control the amount of application submissions you receive? Perhaps you want to manage administrative workload? Perhaps you want to communicate to Travelers that they are highly likely to go on their first choice program? Whatever the reason, Admins can set a Limit to one application with a time period.

Keep in mind, the 'Limit' does not 'count' applications in the following statuses: Withdrawn, Deferred,  Not Accepted or Transferred. In other words, Travelers with a Withdrawn application for a program from Jan 1, 2024 - May 5, 2024 CAN apply to another program within that time frame. 

That said, we want to keep it flexible, folks!  So admins will still have the ability to add applications to Travelers, regardless of time frame. (Click here for more information on adding applications to Travelers)

To set a limit for your Via account...

  1. Click your photo/silhouette in the upper right corner and select Settings
  2. In the Organization tab, scroll down to Organization Settings
  3. Turn On the setting to Limit Travelers To Apply to One Program within a Time Frame
  4. Click Save