How do I add an Application to a Traveler?

Admins with permission can add Applications directly to Travelers from their Traveler Profile. Admins have shared many reasons why this functionality is helpful. Perhaps the Application deadline has passed but you want to make an exception for 1 or more students? Perhaps the student is in your office selecting a program and you want to help them out with starting an Application? Perhaps a Traveler lost a link to a private program and is requesting you start an Application for them? For all of these reasons and more, below please find instructions for how to add an Application to a Traveler!

When adding an Application to a Traveler, that Application deadline will reflect the deadline for that program term. So if the program term has no deadline, this newly added Traveler Application will not have a deadline. If the program term deadline is in the past, this newly added Traveler Application deadline will be in the past.

Admins cannot create a new deadline unique to this Traveler Application.

To add an Application to a Traveler...

  1. Click Travelers in the main navigation menu
  2. Click the name or email of the desired student to open their profile
  3. Click Actions in the profile header
  4. Select Add Application
  5. Select the Program Name
  6. Select the Program Term
  7. Click Add Application