- Via TRM Knowledge Base
- Via Travel
- Travel Plans
How do I add Travelers to a Group Travel Plan?
Once a Group Plan is created, Travelers can be added to it. There are three ways travelers can be associated with a plan:
- Admins add Travelers
- Travelers join the Plan
- Travelers with a Via Global application status of Committed are automatically added to Plan, given that plan is associated with the Via Global program.
To add one or more Travelers to a Plan…
- Click Via Travel in the main navigation menu
- You will land on the Plans view
- Click Plan name of desired solo plan
- Click the WHO’S GOING tab in the left navigation menu
- Click + Add Travelers To Plan
- To add one Traveler
- Click Add a Single Traveler
- Type the Traveler’s first name, last name & email
- Click Add
- To add more than one Traveler
- Click Download Batch Template (do not change the default column headers on the CSV! if you do, the batch function won’t work)
- Remove our Jane and John Doe examples from the template
- Add Travelers, including first name, last name, and a valid email address
- Save the CSV file
- Back in Via Travel, upload your CSV by selecting the saved file from your computer or dragging and dropping it into the window
- Click Upload