What is a Plan Form?

A Plan Form is an electronic questionnaire created by an Admin to be associated with one or more Travel Plan. Think of a Plan Form as a way to collect and store crucial compliance and pre-departure data from your faculty, staff, and travelers. 

This feature is only available for Via Travel Partners.

All Plan Forms have a state. A Form state has nothing to do with a Traveler’s ability to edit or submit, but rather the Admin’s ability to associate the Form with future programs & terms. There are 4 Template states:

      1. Draft
        • All new Plan Forms are created as Drafts
        • Always visible, editable & preview-able by Admins
        • Cannot be added to a any Travel Plan or Traveler (just yet!)
        • State can be changed to Published at any time
        • Think of it as a work in progress! 
      2. Published
        • Always visible, editable & preview-able by Admins
        • Any edit made is automatically applied to all Traveler Plan Forms derived from the 'parent' template
        • Can be added to a Travel Plan or Traveler in Via Travel
        • State can be changed to Unpublished or Archived at any time
      3. Unpublished
        • Always visible, editable & preview-able by Admins
        • Any edit made is automatically applied to all Traveler Plan Forms or Recommendation Forms derived from the 'parent' template
        • Cannot be added to a Travel Plan or Traveler in Via Travel (in order to associate an Unpublished Plan Form with a term, it must be re-published)
        • State can be changed to Published or Archived at any time
        • Think of it as a version on hold
      1. Archived
        • Not editable by Admins
        • Cannot be added to a Travel Plan or Individual traveler
        • State can be changed to Published or Unpublished at any time

      There are several components that make up all Forms regardless of Form type:

      • Form Name
      • Header
      • Paragraph
      • Divider
      • Traveler Info fields (not on Recommendation Forms)
      • Traveler Info field label (not on Recommendation Forms)
      • Traveler Info field instructions (not on Recommendation Forms)
      • Custom questions
      • Custom question label
      • Custom question instructions

      Form Name

      A Plan Form must have a name. The Form type will determine if Travelers can see the Form name or not: The Plan Form Template name is visible to travelers.


      A Header can be added anywhere on a Plan Form. Use the Header to designate sections in order to delineate different areas of a Form. 

      NOTE: Headers can be moved using drag and drop functionality. All question types and traveler info fields can also be moved using drag and drop functionality. Headers and questions move separately.


      A paragraph is a way to add free-floating content to a Plan Form. A paragraph can be added anywhere Admins want to type additional copy. Some common uses are: adding a welcome or introduction, providing context to help clarify a section, etc.


      A divider is a way to add a pop of color to a Plan Form. It is also a way to visually distinguish sections. Admins can get creative and add one or many dividers to a Form.

      Traveler info fields

      Traveler info fields are data gathered in the Traveler profile and/or on a Form. All fields from the Traveler info section on a Traveler Profile, including Public Custom Fields can be added to a Form. Admins can add one, some, or all Traveler info field(s) to a Form.


      When creating forms, keep in mind what you’re trying to accomplish – if you’re crafting a Plan Form template, maybe it doesn’t make sense to add every Traveler info field under the sun, or, maybe it doesn’t make sense to create Plan Form with questions you've previously collected on an Application or Form in Via Global. 

      Traveler info field label

      Admins can add their own naming convention to Traveler info fields, as desired. Prefer to call Date of Birth, Birthdate? No problem! Simply edit the label and that name will appear to the Traveler.

      Traveler info field instructions

      Admins can type in additional context or help text following any Traveler Info field. If Travelers would benefit from some color commentary, feel free to add it in!


      If an admin adds a Traveler info field onto a Form, and that field is either filled out manually on the Traveler Profile or is pulled from synced data onto the Traveler’s profile prior to the Traveler opening a Plan Form, the field content will be auto-filled with the data from their Traveler profile to save the Traveler time. Fields updated on a Form, do not update the Traveler Profile. In other words Traveler Profile --> Plan Forms = a one way street!

      Question Types

      Admins can add an unlimited amount of question types onto a Form and can customize the question name or label, instructions, required status, etc. Regardless of Form type, there are 18 question types available to add:

      1. Short Text
      2. Long Text
      3. Multiple choice
      4. Single choice
      5. Dropdown
      6. Date picker
      7. Signature
      8. Recommendation
      9. Video
      10. File upload
      11. File download
      12. Rating
      13. Fee/Payment
      14. CashNet*
      15. CashNet with code*
      16. Flywire*
      17. Payflow*
      18. TouchNet*

      *indicates a question that requires a custom data integration – interested in learning more? Send us an email at support@via-trm.com to get the particulars!


      Short Text

      This is open text field where Travelers can type their response. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions. Admins can also set a character limit and designate the question required/not required. It’s best suited for brief prompts or questions that require an answer that could range from a couple of words to several sentences. Note: spaces are counted as character counts when the field is filled out by users.


      Long Text

      This is an open text field where Travelers can type their response. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions. Admins can also set a character limit and designate the question required/not required.  It’s best suited for in-depth prompts or complex questions that require an answer that could range from a couple of paragraphs to a full page. Note: spaces are counted as character counts when the field is filled out by users.


      Multiple choice

      This is a list where travelers can select all answers that apply. On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions and all of the options available as a response. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. It’s best suited for questions that could have multiple possible answers.


      Single choice

      This is a yes/no toggle where Travelers choose the accepted answer designated by the Admin. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions and choose an accepted answer of yes, no or either. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. It’s best suited for statements that could have an answer of yes, no, or either.  Admins can add Conditional Logic to this question type.



      This is a dropdown list where Travelers can select one answer. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions and all of the options available as a response. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. It’s best suited for questions that have multiple options, but require one answer only. Admins can add Conditional Logic to this question type.


      Date Picker

      This is a question for which the answer is a date. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. On the Form this will appear as a calendar date picker for Travelers to select the appropriate date.



      This is an open text field where travelers can e-sign by typing their name. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. With the Traveler's response, the Form will show the date and time the signature was saved to the Form. It’s best suited for Forms or questions that require an official signature by the Traveler. We recommend contacting your legal counsel to determine what electronic signatures mean in your organization.



      This is an open text field where Travelers can input the email address of the desired recommender and send a recommendation request to them. On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions to the applicant AND instructions to the recommender. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. Admins select the Form they'd like to send to the recommender. The form can be Via's Default Recommendation Form where recommenders type in or upload a recommendation. Or the Form can be a published custom Recommendation Form, complete with any custom questions, pre-created by the Admin. For more info on how to create a Recommendation Form and the process, click here. It’s best suited for information that needs to be collected from someone outside of Via in reference to the Traveler. 

      Bonus! Recommenders don’t need a Via account to successfully submit a recommendation!



      This is embedded video for Travelers to watch from within the Form. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions, and enter a valid Youtube or Vimeo video URL. It’s best suited for short clips that can provide Travelers with specific information. This question type cannot be designated as Required.


      File upload

      This is an area for Travelers to upload a file. On the Form, Admins can add a label and instructions. It’s best suited for files that are specific to Travelers, like a passport copy, or files that need to be returned after edits are made, like an official file provided in a file download question to re-upload after signing it. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. 

      Travelers can only upload one document per file upload question. If an Admin needs a Traveler to upload more than one document, we recommend adding more than one file upload question. Travelers can replace their uploaded file, as long as the Form is in an Incomplete, Not Started or Started status. Admins with permission can replace an uploaded file at any time.


      File download

      This is a file for Travelers to download. On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions, and upload the desired file for Travelers to download. It’s best suited for any file that requires a download and perhaps additional action like reading, signing, sharing, etc. This question type cannot be designated as Required.



      This is a question that enables Admins to request an answer on a scale of 3-5. Admins can add a label and instructions and add their own rating system. Admins can also designate the question required/not required. It's best suited for any question that requires a rated response.



      This is a payment question with a button for Travelers to navigate away from Via to make their payment. The fee question does not require a custom data integration. After a Traveler has made their payment, Admins must update the payment status manually on the Form. This question type cannot be designated as Required.

      On the form, Admins can add a label, instructions, a dollar amount and a payment URL. Admins can, at any time, change the payment status to any of the following: Not Paid, Paid, Paid – Admin Override, Partially Paid, Partially Refunded, Pending, Refunded, Waived, or Other



      This is a payment question with a button for Travelers to navigate away from Via to make their payment. The CashNet question requires a custom data integration with an organization’s CashNet system. After a Traveler has made their payment, the payment receipt will be automatically added to the Form without manual intervention.

      On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions, a dollar amount and the designated payment URL. Admins can, at any time, change/override the payment status to any of the following: Not Paid, Paid, Paid – Admin Override, Partially Paid, Partially Refunded, Pending, Refunded, Waived, or Other


      CashNet with code*

      This is a payment question with a button for Travelers to navigate away from Via to make their payment. The CashNet with code question requires a custom data integration with an organization’s CashNet system. After a Traveler has made their payment, the payment receipt will be automatically added to the Form without manual intervention.

      On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions, a dollar amount and the designated payment URL. Admins can, at any time, change/override the payment status to any of the following: Not Paid, Paid, Paid – Admin Override, Partially Paid, Partially Refunded, Pending, Refunded, Waived, or Other



      This is a payment question with a button for Travelers to navigate away from Via to make their payment. The FlyWire question requires a custom data integration with an organization’s FlyWire system. After a Traveler has made their payment, the payment receipt will be automatically added to the Form without manual intervention.

      On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions, a dollar amount and the designated payment URL. Admins can, at any time, change/override the payment status to any of the following: Not Paid, Paid, Paid – Admin Override, Partially Paid, Partially Refunded, Pending, Refunded, Waived, or Other



      This is a payment question with a button for Travelers to navigate away from Via to make their payment. The Payflow question requires a custom data integration with an organization’s Payflow system. After a Traveler has made their payment, the payment receipt will be automatically added to the Form without manual intervention.

      On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions, a dollar amount and the designated payment URL. Admins can, at any time, change/override the payment status to any of the following: Not Paid, Paid, Paid – Admin Override, Partially Paid, Partially Refunded, Pending, Refunded, Waived, or Other



      This is a payment question with a button for Travelers to navigate away from Via to make their payment. The TouchNet question requires a custom data integration with an organization’s TouchNet system. After a Traveler has made their payment, the payment receipt will be automatically added to the Form without manual intervention.

      On the Form, Admins can add a label, instructions, a dollar amount and the designated payment URL. Admins can, at any time, change/override the payment status to any of the following: Not Paid, Paid, Paid – Admin Override, Partially Paid, Partially Refunded, Pending, Refunded, Waived, or Other