Via Travel Glossary



Saved record of data 

Admin /Administrator

User with rights/permission to perform certain administrative tasks

Authorized Programs

All programs that have been authorized into your organization and are available for travelers to see.

Custom Fields

Filterable data collection fields created by Admin users. All custom fields live on the Traveler Profile.


Grid view of data that is filterable, sortable, searchable and reportable 


Itinerary information that can be added to a plan

Detail type 

Itinerary designation of transportation, housing, or activity

Group leader 

A user with limited rights/permission to perform certain administrative tasks

Knowledge base

Collection of self-serve articles to help facilitate understanding of how to use Via


Via Travel’s geolocation service, available in conjunction with SafeCheck, that allows admins to send a geolocation request to their travelers. Travelers can opt in to share a snapshot of their location.


In-app communication between admins and travelers; copies of these communications are also sent to the recipient's email inbox


Automated emails sent to the users' email inbox. Notifications are sent based on actions taken in Via or based on deadline.


Detailed record of travel information

Plan availability

An indication of a group plan’s visibility to travelers

Plan dashboard

Admin-only view of all plans that is searchable, filterable, sortable & reportable 

Plan Form

An electronic questionnaire exclusively to Via Travel, that can be added to one or more Travel Plan and allows admins to collect crucial traveler data. 

Plan status

Approval status of a plan - options are Registered, Approved, Pending Approval, Not Approved

Plan timing

Auto-calculated by Via based on plan start and end dates - appears as Upcoming, On-site or Past

Registration status

Sign-up status of a plan

  • Open – travelers can sign up for the group plan; admins & group leaders can add travelers to the group plan → travelers are considered “going”
  • Closed – travelers cannot sign up for the group plan; admins can still add travelers → travelers are still considered “going”
  • Complete – travelers cannot sign up for the group plan; admins can still add travelers → travelers are considered “going”
  • Canceled – travelers cannot sign up for the group plan; admins can still add travelers → travelers are considered “not going”

Risk Alert

Aggregated real-time global incidents provided by Riskline based on specific Risk LevelsRisk Types, and Risk Countries. Administrators can stay informed about critical travel-related risks for their travelers and institutions. 


Via Travel’s SMS text check-in service that allows admins to send SMS text messages to their travelers at any time 

SafeCheck dashboard

Admin-only view of all sent SafeCheck messages that is searchable, filterable, sortable & reportable

Safety Check-ins

A risk management tool that allows administrators to check in with on-site travelers and ensure their safety in case of a global incident. 


Admin-only view of organization set up information


Smart, helpful, knowledgeable Via TRM team to contact at for assistance with Via

Travel type 

Indication of whether a plan is for one person (solo plan) or more than one person (group plan)


A  user with rights/permission to perform non-administrative tasks; traveler is often synonymous with student, however, a traveler can be anyone

Traveler dashboard 

Admin-only view of all travelers that is searchable, filterable, sortable & reportable

Traveler journey 

The start to finish process that travelers go through in regards to a global opportunity

Traveler profile

Admin and traveler view of an individual traveler; all traveler data is housed within the traveler profile

Via Travel 

Solo & group travel tracking software created by Via TRM (Traveler Relationship Management)
