How do I update Form Status?

Admins with permission have the ability to update a Traveler Form Status at any time. The following statuses are currently options in Via:

  • Not started
  • Started
  • Submitted
  • Accepted


To update a Traveler Form’s status from the Form Dashboard...

  1. Click Forms in the main navigation menu
  2. Select the desired traveler form(s) by checking the box next to those forms
  3. Click Actions
  4. Click Update Form Status
  5. Select the desired form status from the dropdown
  6. Click Update

When updating multiple rows in a table, you may see the rows turn yellow. This is an indication that the table is updating and may take a few moments to process. 

To update a Form’s status from a specific Traveler Form...
  1. Click the Traveler name or email from any dashboard
  2. Click My Programs
  3. Click View Details on the desired program tile
  4. Click the Form name or View/Edit on the desired Traveler Form under My Forms
  5. In the Administrative Review panel on the right, change the Form status
  6. Click Save