How do I unauthorize a provider or affiliate program?

Admins with permission can 'unauthorize' a provider or affiliate program. Unauthorized is Via's way of saying 'removing this program from your program portfolio.' Once unauthorized, the program/s will no longer be visible to your travelers or visitors. Any applications associated with a previously authorized program will be unaffected and still visible and reportable.

To unauthorize a program...

1. Login to Via

2. Click Programs in the main navigation menu

3. Click the Authorized view

4. Filter/search for the desired program/s

5. Check the box next to the program/s you wish to unauthorize

5. Click the Actions drop down menu and select Unauthorize

6. Confirm in the pop up by clicking Unauthorize


To unathorize a provider program from within the Program Brochure…

  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. Click Authorized in the sub navigation menu
  3. Filter/search the desired program
  4. Click on the desired program to view the Program Brochure
  5. Click Unauthorize