How do I share a specific program brochure with a Traveler?

There are myriad ways to share a link to a specific program brochure with Travelers. We've outlined all of them for you below.


NOTE: Do not copy and paste the program URL logged in as an administrator from your browser. This is an admin link only with access to edit the program brochure. As such, it is not the secure link to share with travelers.

In order to copy and share the Visitor (non-logged in view) URL of a specific program brochure...

Option 1:

1. Login to Via
2. Click Programs
3. Click the name of the desired program
4. Click the link icon at the top of the program brochure on the left side (see the little pic below for reference) to copy the link to your clipboard
                            Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 6.48.34 AM (Link icon)
5. Share as desired!



Option 2:

1. Login to Via
2. Click Programs
3. Click the name of the desired program
4. Click Edit Program
5. Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the Direct Program Link (see pic below for reference)
Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 6.53.38 AM
6. Click Copy or click on the link itself to save the link to your clipboard
7. Share as desired!

Option 3:

1. Login to Via
2. Click Programs
3. Click the Settings Wheel of the desired program
4. Copy the Visitor URL from the top of the page (directly beneath the program name)
5. Share as desired!