How do I remove Plan Forms from a Traveler?

Administrators with permission can remove Plan Forms from travelers that have joined a group or solo plan. A Plan Form refers to a form that has been added to a Traveler to fill out. When an Admin deletes a Traveler Plan Form from a traveler, all data associated with the Form will be deleted and is irretrievable. As such, Via has a double confirm pop-up that appears. Admins wishing to delete a Traveler Plan Form must type DELETE in order to verify and complete the action.

For more information on deleting the custom Plan Form templates that an Admin in your organization has created, click here.

Once Plan Forms have been deleted all traveler data associated with it will be permanently deleted and irretrievable.

To delete a Traveler Plan Form while in review mode...

  1. Click Via Travel 
  2. Navigate to Plan Forms view
  3. Filter down to desired data
  4. Click Plan Form Name Hyperlink
  5. Click Actions 
  6. Click Delete Plan Form
  7. Enter DELETE 
  8. Click Delete