How do I edit a Recommendation (template)?


Via recommends editing Recommendations in the Builder with caution!

Editing a Published or Unpublished Recommendation could result in an Admin inadvertently deleting data from Recommendations previously submitted by Recommenders.


Admins can edit a published or unpublished Recommendation at any time, however, there are several factors to consider when editing a published or unpublished Recommendation that is associated with another Application or General Form:

  • if custom questions are rearranged, the new order will be displayed on all views of Recommenders' Forms (past, present and future)
  • if a custom question is added, the new question will be added to all views of Recommenders' Forms (past, present and future)
  • if a custom question is deleted, the deleted question will be removed from all views of Recommenders' Forms (past, present and future) and all associated data will be deleted (past, present and future)

To edit a Recommendation…

  1. Click Builder in the main navigation
  2. Click Recommendations
  3. Click the name of the Recommendation OR click the 3 dots under Actions and select Edit
  4. Review the pop-up warning and proceed with caution by clicking Continue
  5. Edit the Recommendation
  6. Click Next when edits are complete
  7. Click Save to save the changes

In order to edit a specific question, header, paragraph or divider on the Recommendation...

1. Click the question, field, paragraph or divider you want to edit

2. The edit panel will open on the left

3. Make the desired changes

4. Click Save in the edit panel


In order to delete a specific question on the Recommendation...

Be extremely mindful when deleting questions on published or unpublished Recommendation templates. Deleting questions could result in lost data on any submitted Recommendations associated with the Recommendation template you are editing.

1. Click the question you want to delete

2. The edit panel will open on the left

3. Click the trash can icon/delete

4. Type the word DELETE

5. Click Delete


In order to delete a specific header, paragraph or divider on the Recommendation...

1. Click the header, paragraph or divider you want to delete

2. The edit panel will open on the left

3. Click the trash can icon/delete


Note that deleting headers, paragraphs and/or dividers does NOT require admins to type the word DELETE as a double confirmation because no data will be lost by deleting these informational items.