How do I change the state of a Program?

Admins can publish programs to make them visible to Travelers and Visitors or unpublish programs to remove them from view. Admins can publish/unpublish programs one at a time or in batch from either the Program Dashboard or one at a time from within Program Settings.


To Publish an internal program from the Program Dashboard...

  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. You will land on the Internal view
  3. Select the desired internal program(s)
  4. Click Actions
  5. Select Publish from the dropdown menu
  6. Click Publish to confirm


To Unpublish an internal program from the Program Dashboard...

  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. You will land on the Internal view
  3. Select the desired internal program(s)
  4. Click Actions
  5. Select Unpublish from the dropdown menu
  6. Click Unpublish to confirm


To Publish an internal program from within Program Settings...

  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. You will land on the Internal view
  3. Click on the Settings Wheel of the desired program
  4. Toggle the Publish Status to Published
  5. Click Save


To Unpublish an internal program from within Program Settings...

  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. You will land on the Internal view
  3. Click on the Settings Wheel of the desired program
  4. Toggle the Publish Status to Unpublished
  5. Click Save