How do I add/authorize provider programs to my Program Dashboard?

Admins with permission can add provider programs to their program portfolio by authorizing them into Via. All authorized programs are immediately visible to travelers. Unauthorized programs are not visible to your travelers.

Travelers cannot apply to an authorized provider program term until an admin has 'assigned a suitcase' to the term.

Whenever a provider updates their program, those changes are automatically reflected on the program brochure. When a provider adds new terms to their program, those terms will automatically be added to the Authorized Terms view. Newly added terms will need a 'suitcase' assigned in order for travelers to apply to them.

Admins can authorize/unauthorize programs in batch from the Program Dashboard or individually from within the program brochure.


To authorize a provider program from the Program Dashboard…

  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. Click Unauthorized in the sub navigation menu
  3. Select an Organization Name from the top filter on the left
  4. Filter/search the desired programs
  5. Check the box to select one or more desired provider program(s)
  6. Click Actions
  7. Click Authorize from the dropdown menu
  8. Confirm by clicking Authorize

To authorize a provider program from within the Program Brochure…
  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. Click Unauthorized in the sub navigation menu
  3. Select an Organization Name from the top filter on the left
  4. Filter/search the desired program
  5. Click on the desired program to view the Program Brochure
  6. Click Authorize


To unathorize a provider program from the Program Dashboard…
  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. Click Authorized in the sub navigation menu
  3. Filter/search the desired programs
  4. Check the box to select one or more desired provider program(s)
  5. Click Actions
  6. Click Unauthorize from the dropdown
  7. Confirm by clicking Unauthorize

To unathorize a provider program from within the Program Brochure…

  1. Click Programs in the main navigation menu
  2. Click Authorized in the sub navigation menu
  3. Filter/search the desired program
  4. Click on the desired program to view the Program Brochure
  5. Click Unauthorize