How do I add a Testimonial to my Internal Program Brochure?

Testimonials allow organizations to share alumni quotes within any Internal Program Brochure. Administrators with permission can add up to three testimonials from past Travelers to share program experiences with future applicants. When testimonials are added and saved to a Program Brochure it will appear at the bottom of the Program Overview tab, just above the Organization Information section.

Testimonials are comprised of 3 fields:

  • Traveler Quote (Required)

  • Traveler Name (Optional)

  • Traveler Details (Optional)

Testimonial quotes support a maximum of 250 characters. 

When adding Traveler quotes do not add "quotation marks" as they will be included in the feature. 

To add one or more testimonials to the Program Brochure...

  1. Log in as an administrator with permission
  2. Click Programs
  3. Filter down for your desired program 
  4. Click the Program Name hyperlink
  5. Click Edit Program
  6. Toggle the Testimonial settings to ON
  7. Click Manage Testimonial(s)
  8. Enter all desired testimonial information
  9. Click Save