How do I add a Header to a Recommendation (template)?

Admins with permission can customize Recommendations (templates) by adding Headers. Headers can be used to create different sections and/or emphasize language in a larger font. Headers can be moved anywhere on the Recommendation by clicking, dragging and dropping the Header, as desired.  

To add a Header to a Recommendation…

  1. Click Builder in the main navigation
  2. Click Recommendations
  3. Click the desired Recommendation
  4. Click Header on the left to open the Add Panel on the right
  5. Type in Header text
  6. Click Add to Form
  7. The Header will appear below the last header, paragraph or section on the Recommendation
  8. To move the Header, click it. When it turns green, drag and drop it where desired
  9. To edit the Header, click it. Edit the text on the left pop up and click Save
  10. To delete the Header, click it. Click the Trash Can Icon. Type DELETE. Click Delete
  11. Click Back to All Forms to return to the list of all forms

Questions and Traveler Info fields move separately from Headers.