1. Via TRM Knowledge Base
  2. Traveler Point of View

As a Traveler, how do I create a solo plan?

In Via, you can register your travel in preparation to leave campus. Solo travel plans keep you organized by storing your entire itinerary in one place. Registering your travel also helps advisors support you while you're away!


To register travel...

  1. Login to Via
  2. Click Register Travel (either the quick action button or in the navigation menu on the left)
  3. Click Register Solo Travel Plan
  4. Complete all required fields for your new plan (Plan Name, City and Country, Start Date and End Date).
  5. Click Create Plan 
  6. Click Build Itinerary to add itinerary details to your plan
  7. Scroll down and click + Add Detail and choose detail type
  8. Fill out all required fields and relevant confirmation #'s 
  9. Click Add to save