Application Coming Soon, Learn More, Apply Now, Application Closed - What does it all mean?

Travelers in Via TRM see tiles of future terms in their view of the Traveler Program Brochure as well as the Visitor Program Brochure. 

Traveler view is defined as a logged in view, whereas the Visitor view is the non-logged in view.

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In the Traveler view, a Traveler will see one of the following options on specific terms:

  • Coming Soon
  • Apply Now
  • Application Closed

Coming Soon

The term has future dates but no application template is attached to the term.

Apply Now

The term has future dates, an application is attached and either  the application deadline is in the future or there is no application deadline.

Application Closed

The term has future dates, an application is attached and the application deadline is in the past.

In a Traveler view, a Traveler will see one of the following call to action buttons in the upper right corner of the program brochure:

  • Apply
  • Learn More


Given a program has at least one future term with an application attached, the call to action button in the upper right corner of the program brochure will be Apply. If a Traveler clicks Apply, they will see a pop up with eligibility and other applications and can start a Traveler application.

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Learn More

Given a program has no future terms, the call to action button in the upper right corner of the program brochure will be Learn More. If a Traveler clicks Learn More, they will see a pop up asking them if they want to send a message to the Program Contact.

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Terms with a start date in the past will no longer appear on a program brochure.